AN-597 Current Feedback Amplifiers

This National Semiconductor application note was written by Hans Palouda and published in 1989. It explains basic CFA operation clearly and concisely. AN-597 Current Feedback Amplifiers Here are some other useful application notes and articles that may help in developing an understanding of amplifier topologies and their associated trade-offs. wiki EDN ADI TI     […]

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CFA’s: An Intuitive Analysis from Intersil

This application note from Intersil provides a simple and easy to understand explanation about CFA operation   CFA – An Intuitive Analysis

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Hifisonix kx-amplifier now replaced with the new kx2-Amplifier

If you have purchased PCB’s and are still constructing your kx-Amplifier, I will continue to fully support your efforts as required, so do not worry. 114 PCB sets of the kx-Amplifier were sold, with as far as can be ascertained, a large proportion of them being built.  Unfortunately  6 of the builders reported oscillation problems […]

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Stochino Feed Forward Amplifier – Wireless World 1994

This article decribes a feed forward amplifier concept from Giovanni Stochino.  The design, while novel, is very complicated and delivers about 30 dB in distortion reduction. Stochino Feed Forward.pdf  For an altogether simpler alternative that acheives about 20 dB distortion reduction, take a look at AFEC (‘augmented feedback error correction’) elswhere on this site.

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Peter Walker’s ‘Current Dumping’ Amplifier from 1975

Peter Walker – Founder of Quad The famous Quad ‘Current Dumping’ amplifier launched in the mid 1970’s, and featured feed forward error correction that effectively removed the class B cross over distortion that plagues this type of output circuit structure. The design featured no adjustments in production, but the circuit components around the output (L2, […]

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Michael Kiwanuka: SOA Protection for Audio Power Amplifiers

Power Amplifiers, and especially bipolar output designs, require output stage  protection  in the event of a fault, or the presence of a heavy or highly reactive load.  Michael Kiwanuka explains the intricacies and the design methodology in his paper here  soaprot_12-03-2012

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