nx2-Amplifier Update

June 23rd Update. Not much further progress as I’ve been assembling an X-Altra Mini II ‘BB’ for a friend. Once that is completed, I’ll be back onto the nx2-Amplifier again. Stay tuned! April 18th Update: The first nx2 proto board has been assembled and basic DC tests completed. This covers output stage quiescent current adjustment, […]

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The ax-Amp has been moved to the ‘Projects’ page – you can find a link to the shop for PCB’s in there.

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The X-Altra Mini II ‘BB’ Line Preamplifier – assembly and test – June 10th update

June 10th Update. Board testing is complete, and it works as required and flawlessly with the Remote Control board (on the right-hand side of the picture below). All power to the remote board comes in via the 16-way ribbon cable, and the only other wiring will be as follows: – mains into the PSU board […]

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