Hifisonix Complete Products

If you find the prospect of building your own gear daunting, here you will find details of finished, hand-built hifisonix products. All finished products carry a 5-year return to base warranty for parts and labour. Prices do not include shipping or taxes where applicable. Since I don’t have to pay a dealer half of the […]

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nx2-Amplifier Update

July 25th Update. More testing underway over the last few days, including improvements to the compensation design and offset adjustment along a few layout bugs that have to be ironed out. June 23rd Update. Not much further progress as I’ve been assembling an X-Altra Mini II ‘BB’ for a friend. Once that is completed, I’ll […]

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The X-Altra Mini II ‘BB’ Line Preamplifier – final assembly and test – July 22nd update

July 22nd Update. The final version of the board has gone off for fabrication. In a few weeks I will start assembly of the main board and the new, updated remote control board. The board inter-wiring has been further simplified and the final step before releasing the PCB’s is to redesign the rear panel to […]

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