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X-Altra Mini One Line Preamplifier
The X-Altra Mini One is a simple line preamplifer based on the National Semiconductor LM4562 (also known as the LME49720) that I built around 2008 and which served me well until about 2014 when it was replaced with newer more sophisticated designs. Nevertheless, this simple preamp sounded very good, and thanks to the LM4562 (which was quite new back then), the distortion is very low. I would characterize the sound as warm, open and pleasingly rounded.
Download and read the article here:-
(Please note, there are no PCB’s or Gerbers available for this project.)
11 responses to “X-Altra Mini One Line Preamplifier”
sorry no I no longer have that. I built this in 2006/2007.
Do you have PDF for the pcb layouts?
Best regardsPat,
Unfortunately not. I have heard passive LDR pre’s are very transparent if matched to the load carefully. Something for me to look at in the future I guess!
Have you ever used a passive ldr preamp? If so, did yo compare it to any of your active designs?
Hi Julian,
Unfortunately I ditched the gerbers about 3 years ago – sorry about that.
I may return to look at a basic line preamp again after I go back to the UK (I am based in China right now).
Thanks for your interest – appreciate it.
(I hear the Self preamp is good – might be one to take a look at as well)
Sent from my iPad
Hi AR enjoying the dialogue on diyaudio.
I want to build the X-ALTRA MINI ONE
Ideally I want to buy a board from you.
If not possible where are the gerber files so I can have a pcb made ?cheers
Julian C Driscoll
Thank you so much, I will wait for the new project …thank’s for reply.
Best regards!Christian, thanks for you kind comments.
I will layout a new preamp board in the next month or two – I do not recommend you build the X-Altra Mini.
Please wait a month or two.
I appreciate all your very good work and I really want to build this beautiful preamp but, I don’t understand where the joints are in the schematic, so I can’t make the circuit/pcb ….it is not so clear for me …sorry can you help me please?
Best regards!
Helle again! Do you have the pcb design and schematic because from pdf I can’t build the preamp.
Thanks!Thank you for this pdf is the best I solution for me and many others!
I was looking for this kind of pream from a long time…so thanks again for it
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