
Tag: slew rate

  • Audio Power Amplifier Design – Peter J Baxandall

    In this 6 part series of articles published from January 1978 in the now defunct Wireless World magazine, Peter Baxandall takes the reader through some of the fundamentals of audio amplifier design as they were understood at the time. Baxandall_Audio Power Amplifier Design In 1978  there was still much discussion about feedback and how to…

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  • CFA Diamond Buffer IPS: Does it Operate in Class B or class A?

    There is a persistent assertion by small group of amplifier design practitioners that the diamond buffer input stage of CFA audio amplifier operates in class B (or AB) mode wherein there is a hard ‘handover’ between each half of the diamond buffer input stage as the input signal passes through 0V.  The most recent claim…

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  • AN-597 Current Feedback Amplifiers

    This National Semiconductor application note was written by Hans Palouda and published in 1989. It explains basic CFA operation clearly and concisely. AN-597 Current Feedback Amplifiers Here are some other useful application notes and articles that may help in developing an understanding of amplifier topologies and their associated trade-offs. wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current-feedback_operational_amplifier EDN https://www.edn.com/design/analog/4458753/In-defense-of-the-current-feedback-amplifier ADI https://www.analog.com/media/en/training-seminars/tutorials/MT-034.pdf TI https://cas.ee.ic.ac.uk/people/dario/files/E416/OA-30.pdf    …

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