
Tag: opamp

  • Class A Buffering the Correct Way

    Here’s a simple way to force an opamp output stage to run in class A when used with a discrete buffer output stage – it takes just 1 resistor to provide a near constant current source load. Operating the opamp (and the output buffer stage) in class A dramatically reduces harmonics on the power rail…

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  • Hifisonix ‘Symphony’ Line Preamplifier

    I designed and built this preamplifier while living in Taiwan a few years ago. The Symphony preamp features Baxandall tone controls, up to 7 inputs,  a class A 2 W headphone amplifier and a Goldpoint 24 position attenuator.  The write-up describes the design process and choices in some detail and my listening impressions: Part 1…

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  • Hifisonix UBx Universal JFET Buffer

    A while back, one of the diyAudio forum members who was building the nx-Amp (here’s the thread on DIYaudio.com) enquired about either reducing the amplifier’s overall gain, or providing a volume control facility. Since both the 15 W class A  sx-Amplifier and its bigger 100W sibling the nx-Amplifier, are Current Feedback Amplifiers, performance is quite…

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  • Augmented Feedback Error Correction (AFEC)

    AFEC is a simple technique that augments the feedback of an amplifier to dramatically improve the Large Signal Non-linearity (LSN) distortion performance by up to 20 dB across the audio band. Additionally, AFEC acts to remove any DC offsets and also improve PSRR significantly. Augmenting the feedback in a manner similar to that described in…

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  • The Monolithic Op-Amp: A Tutorial Study

    This was an invited paper at the ISSCC in 1974 by James Solomon, who at the time worked for National Semiconductor (acquired in 2011 by TI). Those were heady days in semiconductors, with major process and circuit design breakthroughs taking place at breakneck speed. The general purpose microprocessors’  pivotal role in powering the Apple II…

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  • X-Altra Mini One Line Preamplifier

    The X-Altra Mini One is a simple line preamplifer based on the National Semiconductor LM4562 (also known as the LME49720) that I built around 2008 and which served me well until about 2014 when it was replaced with newer more sophisticated designs. Nevertheless, this simple preamp sounded very good, and thanks to the LM4562 (which…

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  • Opamp Noise Visualizer

    This Excel spread sheet tool was developed from one by Steve Hagman (www.AnalogHome.com) and allows en and ien data for up to 7 opamps to be compared.  When using the tool, make sure you enter comparable data – so for example,  always use the same frequency to make the comparison.  I normally use 1 kHz…

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