nx2-Amplifier Update
July 25th Update. More testing underway over the last few days, including improvements to the compensation design and offset adjustment along a few layout bugs that have to be ironed out. June 23rd Update. Not much further progress as I’ve been assembling an X-Altra Mini II ‘BB’ for a friend. Once that is completed, I’ll […]
CFA vs. VFA: A Short Primer For the Uninitiated
This article was written in 2014 in response to what can only be described as a vitriolic debate as to what constituted a CFA on diyAudio.com. At the time, many of the participants were struggling to grasp the fundamental differences between VFA’s and CFA’s, and even how to tell them apart. So, this document is […]
Hifisonix kx-amplifier now replaced with the new kx2-Amplifier
If you have purchased PCB’s and are still constructing your kx-Amplifier, I will continue to fully support your efforts as required, so do not worry. 114 PCB sets of the kx-Amplifier were sold, with as far as can be ascertained, a large proportion of them being built. Unfortunately 6 of the builders reported oscillation problems […]