RIAA Equalizer Amplifier Design

This article explores the fundamental’s of phono amplifier design, culminating in a few practical designs. Special emphasis is placed on overload margins (critical if you want good sonics from your EQ amp), driving the EQ network adequately and noise. RIAA Equalization Amplifiers V2.0 Below is the RIAA Calculator Excel spread sheet. Please read the article above, […]
Ground Loops
Updated with new material 7th January 2019 This set of c. 70 slides is the culmination of my experience over a period of about 25 years building numerous power amplifiers and preamplifiers. I first started out in audio around 1975 or 76 as a teenager. Some of my creations were reasonably quiet – through pure […]
Amplifier History: The JBL SA-600

The beautifully styled JBL SA-600 amplifier was launched by the James B. Lansing company in 1966, and Bart Locanthi (the designer) wrote the technical article linked to at the bottom of this write-up in January 1967. I’ve included this in the hifisonix power amplifier library because it is one of the earliest – if not […]
Solid State Feedback Amplifiers: A Short History
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland A Future Without Feedback by Martin Colloms There is no mysticism in amplifier design, just serious science. —Andrey A. Danilov Introduction You will recall from the The Theory of TIM by Matti Otala elsewhere on this site, […]
The Endless Semantic Debate: Current and Voltage Feedback Amplifiers
It seems some are still agonizing over the ‘current feedback’ versus ‘voltage feedback’ definition. Clearly a case of people wanting to continue to flog a horse that was laid to rest five decades ago during the heyday of the analog computer, or they simply fail to grasp the CFA concept. I suspect there are an […]
JLH 10 Watt Class A Amplifier
This is a copy of the original John Linsley-Hood article that appeared in Wireless World in 1969. This design, almost 50 years old, is still built in its hundreds all over the world. A quick root around on the web will show numerous kits, many of quite acceptable quality, emanating from China and Hong Kong. […]