Augmented Feedback Error Correction (AFEC)

AFEC is a simple technique that augments the feedback of an amplifier to dramatically improve the Large Signal Non-linearity (LSN) distortion performance by up to 20 dB across the audio band. Additionally, AFEC acts to remove any DC offsets and also improve PSRR significantly. Augmenting the feedback in a manner similar to that described in […]
A Concise Overview of TIM by Bob Cordell
This set of articles was written in the early 1980’s by Bob Cordell, a few years after Matti Otala (RIP) identified TIM (Transient Inter-Modulation) as the probable cause of sonic imperfections in high feedback solid state amplifiers in the 1970’s. Otala’s paper sent shock waves through the amplifier design community but sadly it ended up […]
An Overview Of SID and TIM, Walt Jung et al
This series of articles on TIM and SID (and subsequent AES paper), were authored by Walter G. Jung and published between 1977 and 1979 in ‘The Audio Amateur’. It should be read in the context of amplifier design as it stood in the late 1970’s: a clear understanding of the mechanism was only just beginning […]
Tom D Kite Busts Some Audio Myths!
Ever wondered how we got to ‘feedback is bad’, ‘ . . . sampling destroys the music’ or ‘ . . . analog is 40 bits resolution . . .’ , ‘we need damping factors of 1000’ and ‘ . . . only vinyl sounds good’ ? Tom D Kite PhD, of Audio Precision, takes […]
Hifisonix kx-amplifier now replaced with the new kx2-Amplifier
If you have purchased PCB’s and are still constructing your kx-Amplifier, I will continue to fully support your efforts as required, so do not worry. 114 PCB sets of the kx-Amplifier were sold, with as far as can be ascertained, a large proportion of them being built. Unfortunately 6 of the builders reported oscillation problems […]
Small Signal Audio Line Stage Buffer/Headphone Amplifier
This design, which I completed in 2010, takes an LM4562 and marries it to a hefty single ended class A output stage, which can be biased up for either 50 mA or 110 mA. The output stage is included in the global feedback network and can achieve 1 ppm at 20 kHz into 600 Ohms […]