The Endless Semantic Debate: Current and Voltage Feedback Amplifiers

It seems some are still agonizing over the ‘current feedback’ versus ‘voltage feedback’ definition.  Clearly a case of people wanting to continue to flog a horse that was laid to rest five decades ago during the heyday of the analog computer, or they simply fail to grasp the CFA concept. I suspect there are an […]

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CFA vs. VFA: A Short Primer For the Uninitiated

This article was written in 2014 in response to what can only be described as a vitriolic debate as to what constituted a CFA on  At the time, many of the participants were struggling to grasp the fundamental differences between VFA’s and CFA’s, and even how to tell them apart.  So, this document is […]

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CFA Diamond Buffer IPS: Does it Operate in Class B or class A?

There is a persistent assertion by small group of amplifier design practitioners that the diamond buffer input stage of CFA audio amplifier operates in class B (or AB) mode wherein there is a hard ‘handover’ between each half of the diamond buffer input stage as the input signal passes through 0V.  The most recent claim […]

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