Some Ideas on Temperature Compensation for Audio Amplifier EF Triples

Temperature compensating an EF3 audio power amplifier output stage is not a trifling task.  There are 6 Vbe junctions, running at 3 different current densities, different temperatures and neither is the thermal performance of the heatsink assembly characterized in most DIY cases. This makes deploying a conventional 2 transistor  Vbe spreader (or Vbe multiplier as […]

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Hifisonix UBx Universal JFET Buffer

A while back, one of the diyAudio forum members who was building the nx-Amp (here’s the thread on enquired about either reducing the amplifier’s overall gain, or providing a volume control facility. Since both the 15 W class A  sx-Amplifier and its bigger 100W sibling the nx-Amplifier, are Current Feedback Amplifiers, performance is quite […]

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