Hifisonix Accurate Inverse RIAA Network (IRN) PCB

This IRN features very tight RIAA conformance and is ideal for testing the response of RIAA vinyl preamplifiers.  The board uses parallel/series combinations of SMD resistors and capacitors to realise superior accuracies.  Note, two boards are shipped with each order as you will need one for each channel.

Hifisonix X-Altra HPA-1 Class A Headphone Amplifier PCB

This compact headphone amplifier operates in class A up to 180mA peak output current and will deliver 1.75W RMS into 32 Ohms in class A.  It remains in class A up to 13V pk-pk into 32 Ohms (which is 5.2W peak class A power) after which it will transition to class AB up to 34V […]

HifiSonix Standard PSU PCB

This PSU features +-18V rails, <100 uV wideband noise at full load along with a muting control circuit for  any muting function required by the end user.  Additionally, a +12V 40mA relay supply is provided and +5V/+3.3V at 60mA.  The board uses a low noise 15 or 25VA PCB mount Nuova Talema transformer.

Hifisonix Speaker Protection PCB

This PCB uses the Unisonic uPC1237 and provides DC offset protection and switch ON/OFF muting.  Rather than use a relay to connect the loudspeaker to the amplifier, the Hifisonix Speaker Protection Board uses mosfets which do not suffer from arcing or any other wear out mechanisms.  Additionally, there is a short circuit input provided that […]

Hifisonix Micro Ripple Eater (MRE) PCB

The MRE can supply up to 10A from each power supply rail of up to +-50V with suitable heatsinking.  It suppresses LF ripple by 40 dB and HF ripple by more than 50 dB and makes a perfect complement to any high performance DIY amplifier. It can be used with higher supply rails, provided the […]

Hifisonix High Performance Balanced Line Stage PCB

This line stage employs OPA1641 and OPA1642 opamps to provide a left + right balanced output plus two unbalanced outputs per channel.  All outputs are equipped with relay muting (the mute control can come off either the Hifisonix Standard PSU or the X-Altra Mini II Remote Control Board).  For specifications, BOM and write-up, see the […]