
Hifisonix Speaker Protection Board

You can buy a Hifisonix Speaker Protection Board over in the Shop.

This simple, low cost speaker protection board uses the ubiquitous UPC1237 from Unisonic, a Taiwan based semiconductor manufacturer. The circuit will work from 25V through to 75V and uses mosfets to switch the speaker load rather than relays which are problematic and unreliable. A current overload input is also provided, allowing builders to arrange to sense an amplifier output short circuit and rapidly disconnect the amplifier output. The presentation below describes the operation and how to select resistor values for different supply voltages (updated April 2023).   

The PCB measures 82mm x 50mm.

Here is the BOM

Here is a short presentation on the use of mosfets for speaker switching in amplifiers


43 responses to “Hifisonix Speaker Protection Board”

  1. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Mohammed,
    Just send $43 to me at PayPal with a note of what you want. I can only ship next Monday because I am away until Sunday.


  2. mohammad balagar avatar
    mohammad balagar

    Is Speaker Protection available i need 2 pieces how can i order that with 1 postage cost?

  3. Bonsai avatar

    Hello, yes Jan you can. Just send me an email and payment for single shipping plus 4 off boards to bonsai(at)Hifisonix.com on PayPal.

  4. Jan van Doorn avatar
    Jan van Doorn

    Hello Andrew,
    How can I order multiple (4) Speaker Protection Boards without paying 4 times the postage?

    Regards, Jan

  5. Paulus van Zon avatar
    Paulus van Zon

    Hello Andrew,

    According to the service manual + and – 73Vdc


  6. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Paulus,
    can you tell me what your maximum supply voltage is?


  7. Paulus van Zon avatar
    Paulus van Zon

    Hi there Andrew,

    I would like to order 2 pcb’s but I have a question.

    I would like to use them for my 2 Rotel RB-991.
    As you probable know, the voltage is right at the limit your design can handle.

    As i’m not educated in electronics a very good friend of mine is helping me out.
    He’s a bit concerned with the temp of the D3 and R11?

    What would you recommend?

    With regards,

  8. Bonsai avatar

    Martin, you can either parallel the output devices (so link Left in to the Right in and Left out to the Right out) or you can leave one set of mosfets out and the associated VOM1271, but then you must link the unused VOM1271 position emitter LED cathode to anode.



  9. Martin avatar

    Hi, I Plan on using the speaker protect in my DIY Mono Block Design. Concerning the Output switching devices, do I Need to Populate Both Channels or just the pair for one channel?
    Thanks for the Design and Support.

  10. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Klemen, thank you for your enquiry. Unfortunately, we are not offering pre-assembled PCBs at this time but will only offer a few fully assembled products.

    Kind Regards

  11. Klemen Erzen avatar
    Klemen Erzen

    Hello, I would like to purchase two Speaker Protection Boards fully finished and they should be shipped to same address but there is no option to select how many products to buy in the web shop. Can you help me with this?
    Best Regards

  12. Bonsai avatar

    No problem Giorgio, just send payment for the extra board(s) and I will combine the shipment. Unfortunately I have to send all shipments tracked for PayPal and also because some shipments get stuck in customs.



  13. Giorgio Marchiori avatar
    Giorgio Marchiori

    Hi, I want 2 speaker board protection but the shop took me to the payment for one board straight away. I don’t want to pay twice the shipping, more expensive than the board, can you send me a paypal invoice?

  14. Bonsai avatar

    It’s a blank PCB

  15. Tylor avatar

    Is this just the blank PCB and no parts?

  16. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Hrold,

    the Speaker Protection Board does 2 channels. The boards are shipped from the UK.

    Unfortunately, I have to send the boards tracked otherwise I get problems with Paypal withholding payment to me. You can bundle orders and the $15 price will cover another 3 or 4 boards from the shop.

    Seasons Greetings to you as well!



  17. Mo (HaroldHill on DIYaudio) avatar
    Mo (HaroldHill on DIYaudio)

    Hi, Andrew, A few questions for your: Does one board protect both right and left channels? Are the costs on the site in US dollars? And what country do your boards ship from?

    Thanks! (And season’s best to you?)

  18. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Prasi, the boards are still available (see the Shop) and the measurement is 82mm x 50mm.



  19. prasi avatar

    hello Andrew, whats the size of boards and are they still available?

  20. Mike avatar

    Thanks for your reply. I don’t believe the GFA-5800 has any short circuit protection other than multiple fuses. It also has a simple circuit for cutout at thermal overload. I will sign up for diyAudio and post the service manual with schematics. I most likely will not have time to do this until next week. Looking forward to a discussion.


  21. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Mike,

    1. The board will work with 70V rails – you just have to fit the 57V Zener – details in the presentation.
    2. For the short-circuit protection, I’d haver to see the protection circuit of the GFA5800. It might be that this already has some sort of built in short-circuit protection, in which case the hifisonix speaker protection board will just piggy back off that.

    Are you on diyAudio.com? maybe you can post the diagram up there and we can discuss it on the forum?



  22. Mike avatar

    Hello. I am considering modifying an Adcom GFA-5800 to use this board. The supply rail to the output MOSFETS is +70V. Will this board work as is purchased from your shop? Also I read your write ups and still do not understand how the current overload circuit works, i.e. how I would wire this input up to my amp.


  23. Andrej avatar

    I am using Toshiba TK5R3E088QM, S1X mosfets.



  24. Andrej avatar


    I built DC protection few days ago and I powered it (both AC sense and V+ input) with Hypex SMPS AUX supply (+20V). Test results shows that turn on delay and off state works as it should, providing thump free start up/off. Only thing that bothers me, is that if I put 12 DC offset voltage, protection will turn off speaker outputs in 1-2 sec, not in 100 ms as shown in manual. Is this normal, or should I need to modify values?

    BTW: Main power supply is +-45V.



  25. admin avatar

    Hello Bill, let me take a look tomorrow and come back to you. The timings are governed by the UPC1237 internal circuits but in principle I don’t see why not.

  26. Bill avatar

    Is it possible to set the delay as high as 30 seconds. My Sissy sit 3 takes about that long for the bias to stabilize and I would like to delay any offset that may happen until then.

  27. Bonsai avatar

    Andrej, are all these voltages from the Hypex PSU, or are any derived from standard transformers supplies? If you have a standard transformer supply somewhere, you can just tap the AC off that.

  28. Bonsai avatar


    The problem here is the AC input uses the loss of 50/60 Hz to quickly shut the mosfet relay off to prevent any output thumps from the speaker. If you have any sort of c. 12-20V DC signal that shuts down VERY quickly after the AC power is removed, then this might work. Another option is to wire an opto-coupler from the mains side, but that will entail a dropper resistor (or better a capacitive divider to reduce power dissipation). It’s a pity the Hypex PSU’s don’t have this kind of output.

  29. Andrej avatar


    Would this protection board work also with AB class amplifier, powered by Hypex SMPS. Main voltages are +-65 Vdc. I have an option to use also separate AUX +12 Vdc voltages. Idea is to power protection board with +-65Vdc, but not sure what put on AC input terminal. Maybe omit D2 and connect +65Vdc directly? +12Vdc is probably to low voltages…

    Best regards,


  30. Andrej avatar


    It is possible to use this protection with Hypex SMPS3kA400 power supply? Voltages available are:

    2x65Vdc main PSU

    2x20Vdc boostrap PSU

    2x12Vdc regulated AUX PSU

    Problem is that all three voltages start at sime time. I could use both main or bootstrap voltages, but not sure how to connect AC input in this case, to have proper start up/off delay.

    Best regards,


  31. Bonsai avatar

    Hi – the link is working for me – let me know if you still can’t download it and I’ll email it to you


  32. Tl avatar

    Hi, I can’t seem to access the BoM for these boards, but I am interested in purchasing some. Are you able to check if the link still works?

  33. David avatar

    Thanks for responding

  34. Bonsai avatar

    Hello David,

    This is not something I’ve looked at but may be one for the future (I’m tied up finishing off the new preamp at the moment).


  35. David avatar

    Would you consider designing a variant incorporating configurable V- I limiters, with a table of component values for the most popular BJT output devices? I assume you would use the emitter resistors of the output devices to measure the current?

  36. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Ranko, what are you building? I assume it is for the nx-Amplifier if so you must use a random phase triac on the amplifier module boards so the MOC3010 should work ok but I have not checked the pinout.

  37. Ranko avatar

    Is it possible to use different optocoupler, MOC3010, for example, because both of those you suggest are not available in my country and if I order them from abroad, I will have to wait at least one month?

  38. Bonsai avatar

    Gregor, this is a very high current mosfet with high input capacitance (c. 10nF). As such, it will switch slowly. I see its only rated at 40V Vds.

    My recommendation is you go for something with lower input capacitance – a good figure to aim for is 2-3nF . The Vds rating must be c. 10% higher than the amplifier supply voltage – so for example for a +-50V powered amplifier, use a 63V part.

  39. Gregor avatar

    Can I use Vishay SUP40012EL-GE3 mosfet.

  40. Bonsai avatar

    Andrej, you can also use the TLP191 from Toshiba


    it has the same pinout as the VOM127

  41. Andrej avatar


    Any alternative to currently not available opto VOM1271T?



  42. Bonsai avatar

    Hello Andrej, they will be available later this week.



  43. Andrej avatar


    When this DC protection will be available to purchase?

    best regards,


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