
Category: Vinyl preamps

  • Hifisonix Accurate Inverse RIAA Network

    The diagram above summarizes the interaction of the cutting head response (purple) and the playback EQ (red) which produces the final flat response (green). Note that the cutting head and the phono pickup (cartridge) are velocity transducers and therefore the cartridge output rises at 20 dB/decade if the record groove is cut at constant amplitude.…

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  • Technical Requirements of Phono Preamplifiers by Tomlinson Holman

    The two articles below were written in the 1970’s, nearly a decade before the arrival of the CD and the ‘perfect sound forever’ claim made by Philips. There was a lot of focus on phono amplifier performance at the time which it could be argued was triggered by the arrival of very high performance turntables…

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