
Month: January 2018

  • Noise in Electronic Circuits

    I’ve gathered a few articles here on noise as a go-to reference for anyone interested in the subject. These articles really focus on Johnson noise and not induced noise which is discussed in depth in the ‘Ground Loops’ post elsewhere on this site. I will update this post with new material as and when it…

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  • Very Simple, Accurate RIAA Phono EQ Amp

    Very High Quality Silk Screened PCB’s for this project are available from Jim’s Audio here:- Hifisonix RIAA Amplifier Here is a simple no-nonsense, accurate RIAA equalizer amp you can easily build.  The design uses an all-active topology and is based around an NE5534A low noise opamp. I make no claims for originality but you wont…

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  • Amplifier History: The JBL SA-600

    The beautifully styled JBL SA-600 amplifier was launched by the James B. Lansing company in 1966, and Bart Locanthi (the designer) wrote the  technical article (link further down) in January 1967.  This is one of the earliest – if not the earliest – example of a commercial  amplifier that addressed the potential for TIM/SID and…

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